Kotter pioneered the Science of Change. We've learned that you can't unlock the art of change – the "how" to do it – unless you understand where you're starting from. Part of the science is measuring where you're beginning: your foundation, your baseline. Doing so enables you to take action and proceed on your change journey holding a map and guided by data. When you know where you're starting from and where you'd like to go, you can track your progress in a far more material way than through anecdotes and instincts.

There is no one-size-fits-all culture formula universal to all organizations – and it's a good thing that's true. It's important that every organization has its own nuances and personality, and many assessments and diagnostics fail to account for your context and uniqueness. There is, however, one common, consistent trait that exists among all organizational cultures that thrive: adaptability.
If you suspect that you don't have an adaptive culture, what do you have? What is your starting point and where are you aiming to go? Fortunately, adaptive cultures can be measured and tracked over time. There is a mechanism to establish your baseline and see your progress along the transformation journey. Using Kotter's Culture Change Index, you can make something as amorphous and unmeasurable as culture measurable.

Establish the baseline connection between culture and performance, as measured by organizational markers of adaptability
- Snapshot of frequently tapped and underutilized talent
- Extent to which decisions are driven by data or purpose
- Connectivity between systems, policies, and processes to achieving the long-term vision
- Ability to deliver reliably and efficiently while tapping the ”hidden reserve” of time and energy
Reveal internal accelerators and barriers to change
- Organizational appetite for change
- Internal ability to implement change
- Capability to sustain and scale change
Discover influencers and hidden leaders
- Those who serve as the unseen contributors to the organization running reliably and efficiently
- People most likely to rally volunteers around a strategy or initiative

The Survey
Results from the survey surface cultural strengths and opportunities, articulated through the lens of Kotter's 4 Change Principles and 8 Accelerators for Leading Change. When you have a clear North Star guiding your organization, insights from the KCCI survey data quickly highlight the areas you will want to systematically reinforce, and those you will want to intentionally build or strengthen.

Organizational Network Analysis
We often think we know who our influencers are, and how well our organization collaborates. We make these assessments based on observational evidence. However, a formal network analysis has the power to uncover hidden influencers and connection hubs throughout an organization, and to measure the level of connectivity at both the department level and the individual level. This knowledge is a critical lever in successfully creating a sense of urgency within any organization. Tapping into existing energy and interpersonal connections across the ecosystem is the core of building a movement.

Idea Hub
Great ideas abound, but are often trapped in the unlit corners of an organization or left to die inside suggestion boxes. This leads to delays in innovation, organizational inefficiencies, and frustration amongst employees who want their voices heard. The KCCI Idea Hub allows these great ideas to come to light, inform the path forward, and garner support from colleagues within the KCCI itself (through additions and real-time up- and down-voting informed by the KCCI's natural language processing engine), giving immediate visibility to those ideas with the most traction. This data can (and should) be used to determine tangible areas of focus and to establish a sense of ownership across the organization.


- Align leaders around and immerse them in the vision for the future
- Formalize and reinforce the link between culture and strategy
- Train and educate people on the fundamentals of leading change
- Leverage newly discovered talent to accelerate initiatives or strategies
- Mobilize your people to build a movement in pursuit of the future state
- Create experiences that inject a spirit of innovation into the culture
- Build proof points and celebrate new ways of working
- Track and measure progress towards building an intentional and adaptable culture over time
- Optimize communication channels to engage all stakeholders of the organization: employees, customers, shareholders, and the community
- Quantify the impact of behavior change on business results

Yes, we pioneered the Science of Change, but we live and breathe the Art of change every day.
We commit to being your partner in navigating the complex challenge of changing human behavior. With Kotter at your side, you can mobilize your people to achieve unimaginable results at unprecedented speed.
Contact us at [email protected] to learn more